SmartMover Hydraulic - SM100+

Video SmartMover Hydraulic - SM100+


With the simple press of a button, the SmartMover SM100+ creates a secure and unbreakable connection when moving wheeled loads of up to 1,200 kg.

Hydraulic coupling gives total peace-of-mind and complete control even on slopes and less-than-perfect surfaces.
This makes the SM100+ the most popular machine among retailers for deliveries of their goods especially to small convenient stores where heavy roll containers have to overcome a variety of slopes and minor bumps.

  • Easily push, pull and steer wheeled loads of up to 1,200 kg
  • User-friendly operation – simply push a button to activate the hydraulic connection
  • Quality-assured build with all-steel covers
  • Complete control even on slopes and less-than-perfect surfaces
  • Great solution for difficult deliveries where heavy roll containers have to overcome a variety of slopes and minor bumps

Benefits of the SmartMover for retailers around the Globe:

  • Safely moves loaded roll containers up and down slopes and across uneven or broken surface
  • Reduces manpower when moving heavy roll containers and improves safety of operations
  • Reduces roll cage handling related injuries, sickness and compensation claims
  • Dramatically cuts down tail-lift delivery accidents
  • Reduces employee fatigue
  • Offers the possibility of connecting and pulling multiple roll cages over large distances with ease

The MasterMover tugs are trusted by the world’s largest retail and logistics companies:

  • SmartMover Hydraulic - SM100+
  • SmartMover Hydraulic - SM100+
  • SmartMover Hydraulic - SM100+
  • SmartMover Hydraulic - SM100+
  • SmartMover Hydraulic - SM100+
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